Absence and Managing Illness

If your child is unwell and unable to attend school you must contact the office by telephone on the first morning of their illness.

Colds and sickness bugs spread very rapidly between young children and can cause great distress to a child who needs to be in bed. If your child will not be attending school the office must be informed by telephone (01423 503011) on the first morning of any absence before 9.15am and for every day of their absence thereafter to notify us of the reason for absence. Any unexplained absences will be registered as unauthorised and recorded on your child’s end of year report.

Parents should let the school know if pupils have any particular medical problems such as diabetes, epilepsy, allergies etc. so that an appropriate care plan can be written and put in place.

Parents/carers are responsible for the administration of medicine to their children.

School staff are unable to administer medicines in school. If there are special circumstances, involving long - term medication, parents and carers are invited to come into school to discuss the matter.

Usually doses of medicine can be timed around the school day. If a child requires medicine in the middle of the day, parents/carers may come into school to administer medicine.